Title: When I Was You
Author: Amber Garza
Published: August 2020, MIRA
Format: ARC E-copy, 384 pages
Source: Netgalley via Publisher
You meets Fatal Attraction in this up-all-night story of suspicion, obsession and motherhood.
It all begins on an ordinary fall morning, when Kelly Medina gets a call from her son’s pediatrician to confirm her upcoming “well-baby” appointment. It’s a cruel mistake; her son left for college a year ago, and Kelly’s never felt so alone. The receptionist quickly apologizes: there’s another mother in town named Kelly Medina, and she must have gotten their numbers switched.
For days, Kelly can’t stop thinking about the woman who shares her name. Lives in her same town. Has a son she can still hold, and her whole life ahead of her. She can’t help looking for her: at the grocery store, at the gym, on social media. When Kelly just happens to bump into the single mother outside that pediatrician’s office, it’s simple curiosity getting the better of her.
Their unlikely friendship brings Kelly a renewed sense of purpose—taking care of this young woman and her adorable baby boy. But that friendship quickly turns to obsession, and when one Kelly disappears, well, the other one may know why.
My thoughts: As soon as I read the synopsis for this book, with it comparing it to You, I knew I had to read this book. And I loved it...this psychological thriller was just the popcorn read I needed this past weekend and I hope Amber Garza creates more of these types of books soon!
These are the types of psychological thrillers I love. The type where you just cannot put them down. I was pulled into this one right from the start and as the book progresses, I loved that we got hints that something was amiss. Something had happened in Kelly Medina's past that we keep getting hints about that kept me glued to the pages. Then a second Kelly Medina shows up and I knew right away, something sinister was going on...just what I never guessed.
This book had such great twists and turns, and the theme of obsession and stalking are used so well here. It really keeps you on your toes as you try to put all the pieces together. Do we have an unreliable narrator here or is something more sinister going on?
I am so glad I read this and will definitely be keeping an eye out for what comes next from this talented author. I totally read this in less than 24 hours - and probably would have read it in one sitting if we didn't have plans for the day...it's that kind of read. Definitely add this to your reading list if it is not already on it!
About the author: Amber Garza has had a passion for the written word since she was a child making books out of notebook paper and staples. Her hobbies include reading and singing. Coffee and wine are her drinks of choice (not necessarily in that order). She writes while blaring music, and talks about her characters like they're real people. She lives with her husband and two kids in Folsom, California, which is—no joke—home to another Amber Garza.